
7T implants

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Revision as of 11:33, 2 December 2022 by Zwaag (talk | contribs)

This is a list of implants that have been approved for use at 7T by other labs. For now, they are ordered alphabetically.

  • abdominal staples (2020: experience UMCU)
  • amalgam fillings (2018:, discussed with UMCU toxicologist)
  • dental wires/retainer (2013: study LUMC:
  • Essure IUD (2019: experience UMCU)
  • hip prosthesis (for head scans)
  • implant anchored dentures (remove screw/click-on top part if possible)
  • Nitinol coil (2019: experience UMCU)
  • stomach balloons (2022: Spatz 3 geen metaal en Obalon types klein titanium deel, getest op 3T. Prima voor brein scans. Ref UMCU mail)

Not approved following discussion with experts are:

On a related note, the maximum weight for the bed of the 7T is 200 kilos (according to Anton/Philips manuals)