7T implants
From SpinozaWiki
This is a list of implants that have been approved for use at 7T by other labs. For now, they are ordered alphabetically.
- abdominal staples (2020: experience UMCU)
- amalgam fillings (2018: https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2018172597, discussed with UMCU toxicologist)
- dental wires/retainer (2013: study LUMC: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mrm.25019)
- Essure IUD (2019: experience UMCU)
- hip prosthesis (for head scans)
- hip prosthesis (for lower leg scans with local coil. 2024: overleg AMC)
- implant anchored dentures (remove screw/click-on top part if possible)
- Nitinol coil (2019: experience UMCU)
- stents in the coronary arteries (2022: UMCU)
- stomach balloons (2022: Spatz 3 geen metaal en Obalon types klein titanium deel, getest op 3T. Prima voor brein scans. Ref UMCU mail)
Not approved following discussion with experts are:
- orthodontic braces (as opposed to the retainers above)
- spinal implants (https://www.spine-health.com/treatment/spinal-fusion/interbody-cages-spine-fusion)
- stents, coils, clips in cerebral vessels.
- stents in the aortic splitting (AAA/TAA stents)": Officieel hebben grote RVS 316 AAA/TAA deflex angles > 45 gr en zijn dus niet toegestaan bij vrijwilligers op 7T (= AAA stents van Zenith en de Palmas XL van Cordis). De rest van de tegenwoordig gebruikte AAA/TAA stents zijn van Nitinol en deze mogen er zonder meer in.
- permanent eyeliner (except for clincal patients)
- pacemaker leads of any type
- cerclages (sternum wires) within 4 cm of the transmit coil (e.g. for liver scans)
On a related note, the maximum weight for the bed of the 7T is 200 kilos (according to Anton/Philips manuals)