From SpinozaWiki
IMPORTANT: Theses devices should be used only to supplement and NOT replace existing screening precedures
FerrAlert SOLO
The FerrAlert SOLO is present both at 3T & 7T MRI control rooms.
The FerrAlert is a high sensitivity, full-body patient and personnel screener. It can pinpoint out the location of ferromagnetic objects up to the size of a hairpin. This will allow you to identify and remove any ferromagnetic objects carried by the participant.
Instruction on how to use the FerrAlert Solo are shown in the figure FerrAllert SOLO.
{{#evu:https://player.vimeo.com/video/251569723 |alignment=left }}
FerrAlert Halo II
The FerrAlert Halo II is present at the 7T only
FerrAlert™ Halo II guards at the entrance into the MRI exam room. It provides detection and prevention of ferromagnetic threats from entering the scanner room. The FerrAlert will give a warning when a ferrous object approaches the scanner room. The greater the threat, the further away the pre-warning is activated. This will first be a YELLOW LIGHT at the top of the Halo. Followed by FLASHING RED LIGHTS when a large ferromagnetic object is approaching the portal. The Halo will go into Alarm Mode when the infrared beam at the bottom of the halo is interrupted. If a thread is detected at this stage, an AUDIO ALARM will go off combined with RED LIGHT at the location of the threat will be activated.