Access to the building
From SpinozaWiki
To be able to work in the Spinoza Centre you need:
- an AMC badge that is authorized for access to the Spinoza Centre. If you don’t have an AMC badge yet you first have to apply for one. With a bit of planning (especially step 3!) you can go through all the steps below on the same day.
- to consent to the house rules by signing the admission form.
AMC badge application
1. Fill out the AMC badge form. The required fields (highlighted in yellow) are
- Eigen naam (last name)
- Man (male) / vrouw (female)
- Voornamen voluit (first names)
- Geboortedatum (date of birth)
- Geboorteplaats (place of birth)
- Postadres (postal address)
- Postcode (zip code)
- Woonplaats (city of residence)
- Soort legitimatie (ID type)
- Nummer legitimatie (ID number)
- Datum (current date)
- Handtekening betrokkene (signature)
2. Have the form signed by Trijntje Sjoerdsma ([email protected]).
3. Make an appointment at the AMC HR Services .
- In the field 'Divisie' choose 'Overige' (scroll down to the bottom).
- Note that the waiting time can be considerable so make sure to plan well in advance!
4. Take the signed form together with an ID (passport or European ID card) to the appointment at the HR Service desk. Note that a driver's license is not considered as a valid identification. You also have to pay a deposit of 14 euros via pin transfer.
Authorization to enter the Spinoza Centre
5. Send Trijntje your badge number (printed on the back) and signed admission form. She will then authorize you for the relevant areas in the Spinoza building. She will also add you to the general mailing list, [email protected].