
Common warnings and error messages

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While operating the scanner you may be prompted with warnings and error messages. These should all be taken seriously, but not all are necessarily a reason for concern. The following warnings and error messages are common.

Patient ventilation

Usually the ventilation is set at level one out of five. Philips recommends higher levels of ventilation, but participants generally experience higher levels as unpleasant, as it causes dry eyes and mouth. This warning can therefore be ignored.


Some sequences may be preceded by a warning message regarding peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS), which the participant experiences as a slight tingling feeling in the extremities of the body. PNS is not dangerous to the participant, but he or she may experience physical discomfort and/or mental stress. It is up to the MR operator to decide whether the participant needs to be informed or not.


When the specific absorption rate (SAR) exceeds 2 W/kg you will get a warning message, asking whether you allow first level controlled operating mode. High levels of SAR may cause global and local heating and potentially burns. Please do not proceed scanning without medical supervision or expertise.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
SAR - first level controlled operating mode error message

Software key expiration

You may get a message when starting the software that a softwarekey will expire within 10 days. Check the log whether this has been reported yet and if not, contact the staff of the Spinoza Centre.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Software key expiration error message