SpinozaWiki:Checklist New Projects
From SpinozaWiki
Please read this checklist carefully before requesting new scan projects.
Ethics committee
Check whether you have a source of funding:
• Get approval from either a METC or the EC of the department of psychology of the University of Amsterdam.
• For information EC Psychology --> http://ce.psy-uva.nl
Make an account on this website. For external users, use when submitting external.
For help go to Neurowiki:Ethics Committee
Calpendo user account
Apply for a user account in Calpendo (Calendar and user registration system)
• Go to https://spinozarec.calpendo.com register new user
• A Calpendo account is personal (not for a research group). Login name should be your familiy name.
Apply for a project in Calpendo
After your user account has been approved and you received an Ethics Committee approval, the PI of the project can apply for a project in Calpendo
• In calpendo press Projects --> Create Project
• It starts in the General tab.
• Choose for Project Code a unique short name for your experiment.
• Upload the protocol as known by the Ethics Committee, at Project Code --> Choose file
• Go to the Project Resource Settings tab (see below). Choose the Resources you plan to use and the number of hours (including the pilot).
• Also complete the tabs Users and Safety.
• Contact Tinka if you encounter any problems using the system.
• Send an email to Steven Scholte once you have requested a project.
Get an account on fMRI projects
Follow this link to find all the information Neurowiki:BigBrother
Planning a pilot
• Book a timeslot in Calpendo and put in the description box, Pilot.
• Tinka Beemsterboer will be present during a pilot.
• Send Tinka an email once you have booked the pilot so she can confirm.
• Pilot time is counted as used time (e.g. not free).
Plan a meeting at least one week prior to the pilot
• Plan a (intro) meeting with Tinka Beemsterboer to make sure everything is ready for the pilot and your project.
• The things discussed during this meeting depend on the setup of your project and if it is your first MR project at the Spinoza Centre.
Before running a pilot
• Make sure to read the MRI User policy.Neurowiki:User policy 3T MRI
• You should have a working paradigm. A good paradigm needs to wait for the first start pulse of the scanner. Information can be found on the wiki Neurowiki:General stimulus setup
• Proper interface with the response buttons. More information can be found on the wiki Neurowiki:General stimulus setup.
• You should know which and how many sequences you want to run (T1, EPI, DTI), including duration in seconds of the paradigm. Neurowiki:Sequences
• You should know whether or not you want to use the PPU (peripheral pulse sensor) and resp.
• There must be a working fmriProjects folder or sFTP folder on BigBrother (see 4).
Estimate the time needed for one participant
• Without PPU and Resp measurements, duration of the scans + 10 minutes.
• With PPU and Resp measurements, duration of the scans + 15 minutes.
• With GSR or EMG measurements, duration of the scans + 20 minutes.
• With eye tracker measurements, duration of the scans + 20 minutes.
• With patch switch, duration of the scans + 10 minutes. Patching the Scanner
This is only an estimation, it also depends on your type of participant for example and your experience with the extra equipment.
Don't forget to include in the total amount of duration of the scans the time you need between scans to speak to your participant, set up your scans and refscan and surveyscan.
If you need more information to calculate the total amount of time per participant you can discuss this during the pilot or you can send an email to Tinka Beemsterboer.
Planning time slots
see User policy: [[1]]
Here you can find more information about scanning assistance NeuroWiki:User_policy_3T_MRI
Participant information
• MRI Screening form and information folder. Neurowiki:Subject handling & Screening
• Participants are obligated to have a general practitioner. Students of the UvA and HvA can register at the Studenten Huisarts Oude Turfmarkt before coming to the Spinoza Centre.
Contact information
Tinka Beemsterboer [email protected]
Steven Scholte [email protected]
Marcus Spaan [email protected]