SpinozaWiki:Quality Control
From SpinozaWiki
Quality Control procedure
The Quality Control (QC) procedure at the Spinoza centre is composed of a weekly and monthly protocol consisting various tests and checks. The QC is usually performed by the scan-assistants of the Spinoza centre, supervised by Tinka and Steven. Below, both procedures are summarized.
Weekly quality control procedure
- Philips Intelligent Quality Test (PIQT): quality check of spatial stability.
- BOLD-fMRI (EPI) and DTI-test using the AGAR-phantom: quality check of temporal stability.
- Spurious test: quality check of homogeneity of static magnetic field.
- QPI: check for spikes.
Check scanner computer:
- Virus scan (monthly) and updates (weekly)
Check stimulus-set up in scanner room:
- Set-up projection screen, beamer, and projected image
- Response boxes
- GSR/Eyetracker batteries
Check stimulus-computer:
- Virus scan and update
- Windows updates
- Volume settings, headphone sound quality, Presentation licence
- Trigger counter (during EPI-scan of the AGAR phantom) to check whether pulses are sent to the stimulus computer.
Check, misc.:
- Helium level
- Temperature
- Back-up ProefpersonenRegistratie and Quality Control log (excel-sheets)
- Amount of screening-forms, information brochures, and "Toestemmingsverklaringen"