

SpinozaWiki:Checklist after scanning

From SpinozaWiki

Revision as of 23:17, 29 March 2013 by Misc (talk | contribs) (Protected "NeuroWiki:Checklist after scanning" ([edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite)))

Rules and regulations

Dear researchers and student-assistants (ScA),
Could you please make use of this list upon entrance and exit of the Spinoza Center.


Presence after 18 hours and during the weekends: sign in and out with UvA Security
• Telephone #: (020 525) 6260

In case of fire
• press inside call point

In case of any emergency (incl. fire) call:
• UvA Control Center: (020 525) 2222
• Head BHV Marco Theunisse: (020 525) 6846

Checklist after scanning

After each scansession when no other researcher is present

• Beamer screen and eye tracker in the right position
• Remove paper from scanner table
• PPU + Resp batteries in the charger
• Remove your USB sticks from stimulus computer
• Turn off the stimulus computer
• Turn off the beamer (two long presses on the power button on the remote) -> check if the beamer is indeed off
• Laundry in the laundry basket
• Lock the scanner room and store the key
• Log out the MRI computer and turn off the monitor
o System --> Exit
o (If you don’t end up at the Login screen) --> Windows Start button --> Shutdown --> LogOut
• Remove all your personal belongings
• Dishes and cups should be taken upstairs and washed
• Waiting area: remove all items left by test subjects, take dishes upstairs and wash them
• Store the screening forms in numerical order in the filling cabinet, throw away old screeningforms (first cut them up into small pieces)
• Turn off coffee the machine and rinse the milk frother if used
• Switch off ALL lights
• Switch on the alarm

After using the Eye-tracker

• Make sure that the eye is visible so the next researcher can start immediately
• If you encountered serious problems with the eye tracker please inform Marcus and Tinka with a precise description of the problem
• Place the eye-tracker mirror back into the closet, be careful!
• “Exit EyeLink” -> DOS Mode -> Power button OFF
• Turn off Eyelink monitor
• Place the lens cap back on
• Turn off and charge the battery

After using the Trackball

• Restore button box settings back to HHSC-2x4-C

After using the EGI system

• Check the eye-tracker with a person in the scanner when you think there is a chance it has been moved
• Place the projector screen in the right position (see markers on the floor)
• Charge the amplifier
• Switch ON the cryopump (Helium)
• Recharge the eyelink battery after using the EGI system for GSR

After using the 8 Channel coil

• Remove the mirror from 8 channel coil
• Place the 8 channel coil on the cupboard with the mirror placed next to it
• Store the headphones next to the coil
• Place the 32 ch coil back on the table. Be aware that it is not symmetrical, the right (for the patient) side should fall into the table.

After using the electrical stimulator

• Place the wires on the closet in the storage closet
• Settings back to standard:
• 2000 microseconds
• 400 Volt
• x10 mA
• Output switch up
• 0.00
• Power off