7T Neurofeedback
From SpinozaWiki
Attempts at installing a neurofeedback option 23/12/2022
Authors: Wietske van der Zwaag and Johan van der Meer
Lots of info in the package from Paul de Bruin. See scdropbox/Wietske/XTC-package-v8
Given that CorbaDataDumper is installed (check C:\xtc) to run it as its own external gadget, type the following in the command line:
- cd C:\xtc
- CorbaDataDumper c:\CorbaDataDumps
1) Set the geometry parameter 'External control' to 'full control' and start your scan. A message 'Under remote control' will appear.
2) Then go to c:\CorbaDataDumps\ScannerUpdates and paste in an (empty) text file called start.txt
Your scan will start.
Your data will appear in c:\CorbaDataDumps\0000 (and higher numbers for later scans)
To use on an external computer
- install the CorbaDataDumper on your pc. It's already on the 7T stim pc.
- set the correct IP address in the Service Application (under MR applications) - connectivity - external configuration; for the scanner itself and for the stim pc.
- update the fussite_cs.exe.config file in C/Program Files/PMS/MipNet91 following instructions from the pdf (WZ did this - 23/12) (save file as 'stim pc' - put back pauls)
- RESTART scanner application software to activate fussite_cs config file
Then during the actual session:
- log in as admin on the stim pc
- (optional) ping the stim pc to make sure you can see it from the scanner
- go to correct file: 'cd C:\xtc'
- start dumper: 'CorbaDataDumper c:\CorbaDataDumps'
- start your scan on scanner host
- put the start.txt in CorbaDataDumps\ScannerUpdates
- you may pause the scan by copying pause.txt to the same folder
Current state: Works! Need to install toolbox to actually stop/start scanner from a task and handle incoming data