Naming acquisitions
From SpinozaWiki
Once you've gotten your project approved, you will have to set up a scanning protocol that your project's scanning sessions will follow. An important part of this is how you name your acquisitions, since adequate naming will ensure an easy transition to BIDS (see the Data Export page).
Naming convention for exam cards
To enable correct file naming and conversion, exam card names should adhere to the following convention:
<researchgroup>_<project>_<extra info if need be>
E.g. Dumoulin_SDVICI, Zwaag_Cerebellum, or SC-develop_VASO
Naming convention for subjects
To enable correct dicom naming, subject IDs should adhere to one these four formats:
<subjectID>, <subjectID>_<sessionID>
E.g. sub01, sub01_ses01
Do not use:
as this will lead to problems with subsequent automatic conversions.
Also, make sure that you use a new subjectID / sessionID for each subject in the project.
Naming convention for sequences (optional, only needed for automatic conversion)
Functional MRI with topup
This is run 01 of the taskFMAP_<taskname>_run-01
This is the topup sequence that goes with run 01BOLD_<taskname>_run-02
This is run 02 of the taskFMAP_<taskname>_run-02
This is the topup sequence that goes with run 02
Make sure that your runs are consecutively named _run-XX
, where XX is the index of the run.
Functional MRI with B0
This is run 03 of the taskB0_acq-<taskname>
This is the B0 sequence that goes with run 03. Note that phase-difference B0 maps are usually applied to multiple bold runs in a session.
Standard Anatomy
This is the first T1 weighted anatomicalT1w_run-02
This is the second T1 weighted anatomicalT2w
This is the only T2 weighted anatomicalT2starw
This is the only T2* weighted anatomicalDw
This is the only diffusion weighted anatomical
Fancy anatomy -- tentative (BIDS specification has changed and ReproIn is unclear)
This is the only T1 mapT2*map
This is the only T2* mapMEMP2RAGE_[_echo-<index>]inv-1_part-mag
This is the magnitude map of the first inversion in an MP2RAGEMEMP2RAGE_[_echo-<index>]inv-1_part-phase
This is the phase map of the first inversion in an MP2RAGEMEMP2RAGE_[_echo-<index>]inv-2_part-mag
This is the magnitude map of the second inversion in an MP2RAGEMEMP2RAGE_[_echo-<index>]inv-2_part-phase
This is the phase map of the second inversion in an MP2RAGE