From SpinozaWiki
Spinoza User Meetings (SUM) consist of a combination of lectures from outstanding national and international scientists in the fields of cognition, neuroscience and neuroimaging, updates on ongoing projects at Spinoza, and instructions on common procedures at Spinoza.
SUMs are Tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:00 (Netherlands time) and everyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are in hybrid format, i.e. both in person and via Zoom.
Upcoming events
Date (Host) | Title and speaker | |
11-03-2025 | TBA | |
08-04-2025 | MR of cardiovascular physiology Ot Bakermans Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam | |
06-05-2025 | (Title TBD) Maria Guidi Enrico Fermi Research Center, Rome | |
03-06-2025 | fMRI in monkeys (of the non-human kind) Sjoerd Murris Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam |
01-07-2025 | The Other Side of the MR Spectrum: Why We’re Hitting It Low, Low, Low Beatrice Lena Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden |
Past events
Date (Host) | Title and speaker | |
10-12-2024 (Wietske & Myrte) | On the road towards 14T Martijn Cloos Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen |
19-11-2024 (Ilona) | Attention alters population tuning in human visual cortex Sam Ling Boston University, USA |
10-12-2024 (Wietske & Myrte) | On the road towards 14T Martijn Cloos Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen |
12-11-2024 (Wietske & Myrte) | SPECTROS: Neurometabolite and BOLD response during OCD Symptom Provocation at 7T Chris Vriend Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam |
29-10-2024 (Wietske & Myrte) | Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Tracking Neurometabolic Shifts in Response to Stimuli Anouk Schrantee Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam |
08-10-2024 (Ilona) | Human V4 size predicts crowding distance Jan Kurzawski Maastricht University, Maastricht |
24-09-2024 @ 1PM (Myrte) | Characterizing human brain vasculature in vivo using 7T MRI Saskia Bollman University of Queensland, Australia |
11-06-2024 (Serge & Ilona) | Experimental research on altered states Michiel van Elk Leiden University, Leiden |
21-05-2024 (Wietske) | Tracking millisecond time in the human brain: from sensory features extraction to perception Domenica Bueti International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA, Trieste, Italy |
23-04-2024 (Myrte) | Ultra-high field imaging of the little brain Nikos Priovoulos Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam |
16-04-2024 (Ilona) | We are agents, not observers: On the interdependence of perception, memory, and behavior Matthias Nau Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam |
28-11-2023 (Wietske) | Studying human brain physiology and function in a naturalistic manner Cesar Caballero-Gaudes BCBL, San Sebastian, Spain |
29-09-2023 (Serge) | 7T Birthday mini-symposium Peter Luijten UMCU Rainer Goebel Maastricht University |
20-06-2023 (Wietske) | The Status of Imaging Biomarkers for Psychiatric Disease Gabi Ende ZI Mannheim, Germany |
09-05-2023 (Wietske & Bobby) | In vivo 31P MRS in the human brain: frontiers and innovations Lijing Xin EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland |
25-04-2023 (Serge) | Line-scanning MRI Luisa Raimondo NIN & Spinoza |
14-03-2023 (Nikos) | Cerebellar contribution to fear learning Dagmar Timmann University Hospital Essen |
07-03-2023 (W&L with NIN) | Research culture Karla Miller University of Oxford, UK |
21-02-2023 (Serge) | Multisensory processes across the lifespan: from core phenomena to clinical applications Micah Murray CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland |
14-02-2023 (Wietske) | Accelerating beyond the sound limit Thomas Roos UMCU, NL |
07-02-2023 (Tomas) | BIDScoin: converseren to standard Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) Marcel Zwiers Donders Institute, NL |
31-01-2023 (Wietske & Luisa) | How to scan 100,000 people: Brain imaging in UK Biobank Karla Miller University of Oxford, UK |
24-01-2023 (Nikos) | Computational models of working memory in the human and non-human primate brain Jorge Mejias Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Netherlands |
17-01-2023 (Marco) | Organization of Neuronal Activity Across the Brain Matteo Carandini UCL, London, UK |
10-1-2023 (Tomas) | New data-export procedures at Spinoza Tomas Knapen Spinoza |
Meeting information
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 836 8595 2269 Password: 457022
For questions, ideas or comments, please email info.