
Access to the building

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AMC badge application

To be able to work in the Spinoza Centre you need an AMC badge that is authorized for access to the Spinoza Centre. If you don’t have an AMC badge yet you first have to apply for one.

When corona restrictions are in place, the procedure is different; please e-mail Spinoza support

  1. Pick up a signed form at Spinoza
  2. Fill out the form. The required fields (highlighted in yellow) are
    • Eigen naam (last name)
    • Man (male) / vrouw (female)
    • Voornamen voluit (first names)
    • Geboortedatum (date of birth)
    • Geboorteplaats (place of birth)
    • Postadres (postal address)
    • Postcode (zip code)
    • Woonplaats (city of residence)
    • Soort legitimatie (ID type)
    • Nummer legitimatie (ID number)
    • Datum (current date)
    • Handtekening betrokkene (signature)
  3. Email the signed form together with an ID (passport, driver's license or European ID card) and photo for on the badge to [email protected]. They will notify you when your badge is ready for pick up.
  4. To authorize your badge for the Spinozacentre please mail the numbers at the front and the back of your badge to Spinoza support.

Authorization to enter the Spinoza Centre

  • For safety certified users (not for people that will use Calpendo to book scans or people that get a Spinoza account) Completely fill in the 'Register new user' form at Calpendo. As a part of this, you will have to consent to the house rules by signing the Admission Form and to complete a screening form Dutch or English
  • For Spinoza personnel, users that need Calpendo booking rights and people that need access to the Spinoza cluster Press the Spinoza button and log in with your Spinoza credentials at Calpendo. As a part of this, you will have to consent to the house rules by signing the Admission Form and to complete a screening form * Dutch or* English
  • For NIN personnel Press the NIN button and log in with your NIN credentials at Calpendo. As a part of this, you will have to consent to the house rules by signing the Admission Form and to complete a screening form * Dutch or* English