From SpinozaWiki
- Start the software using the QA Patch.
- Create a new patient using the following naming convention: 3T_QA_yyyymmdd
- Use the QA_BIRN_32ch_def3 scancard under SC > QA.
- After loading the scancard, right click below the sequences to find the control scan parameters menu. Find the coil selection parameter under the rightmost tab (name?) and change it to full manual. Click apply so that the setting is saved for the current login session. Clicking Store will save this setting permanently.
- Open the fBIRN sequence and find the coils tab. Make sure that Smart Select is turned off and that all elements are selected (blue) for every coil. Changing the coil settings for one sequence should automatically update the settings for all other sequences.
Phantom placement
- Remove the cushioning inside the head coil to reveal two small depressions. Place the red base with the appropriate feet in the depressions and make sure that it's level.
- Find the fBIRN phantom and place it on the red base. Make sure that the nozzle and sticker are facing straight up.
- Position the phantom so that the laser is at the same level as the nozzle.
- Make sure all geolinks are set to TRA.
- Planning is the easiest on the fBIRN sequence due to its large window. Change the angulation by setting AP (deg), RL (deg) and FH (deg) to 0. Proceed to plan the scan so that the midlines are in the center of the phantom in all directions.
- Starting the scan will result in both PNS and SAR warnings, which may be ignored.
- Export the entire patient to ftpsc_classic
- Locate the EPI stability tool output in G: > Site > Clinicalscience > epi_stability_tool, where you should find a .txt output file. Check whether the time and date of the last update are correct, then copy the file to scdropbox > 3T_QA. Alter the name of the file to 3T_QA_EST_yyyymmdd.