

Problems that can occur during scanning: Difference between revisions

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Computer Problems

Cannot login: If you cannot login on the MRI computer using CTRL+ALT+DEL due to a problem that occured with the profile, reboot the MRI computer using the Shutdown button.

Scanner Hardware Problems

Red Light Burning: This might be the result of something that bumped against the (white) safety bar located on the front and underside of the scanner. This can be reset by pressing the green reset button. Occasionally, it might be necessary to give the safety bar a push on both sides of the table before being able to reset the scanner controls. To prevent the safety bar from giving a warning, guide the cables neetly in the scanner when moving the participant. Make sure the cables do not rest on the safety bar, so either tuck them under the mattress or move them more to the side of the scanner.

Temperature too high: This is a message caused by a sensor in the technical room. We currently do not have a solution for this problem, but scanning should not be a problem if the temperature remains beneath 27 degrees Celsius.

Facility cooling water flow too low: This means something is wrong with the cooling system. In this case you should call 7575, tell them about the error. They will ask which building you are. Tell them at the Spinoza center, in the basement of the Roeters Eiland. IMTECH has to refill the cooling system. Ask them how long it will take. Make it clear that it has to be done now, because we cannot scan now. Ask them to call when they are done.

Scanner Software Problems

Scan doesn't start:check whether 1. you have entered a patient, 2. you have closed the coil correctly, 3. you have closed the door, 4. there is a ! is on your screen which indicates the problem, 5. you have correctly positioned the participant (using the laser), 6. the coil plugs are still in the right position.

Red Exclamation Marks/Conflicts: Red exclamation marks indicate a conflict in the settings of the sequence. A common conflict is an unspecified region to scan which can be fixed by double click on the red exclamation mark on the sequence name, showing you the setting that needs to be changed. In the case of an unspecified region, always select the head. It's also possible that you run into an error where there is no Head Coil selected. Choose the appropriate Head Coil, either the 8 or the 32 channel depending on which you are using at the moment.

"Allow Remote Controlled Table-top Movement?": This does exactly what it says. Clicking yes will allow the computer to automatically adjust the movement of the table needed for the B1-Calibration. Click yes (or yes to all).

Unable to Save or Modify Protocols: This is most likely due to Write Protected being enabled. Disable this by right clicking in a folder (when in database browser view) and unticking Write Protected. You might get a question to enable this again if you want to continue the scanning later on.

FOV/Scanbox/Planning is so messy I can't see what I'm doing anymore: Go to the tab 'off/ang' when in the 'Parameter editor'. Set all the Stack Offc. parameters to 0 (Not the one saying "Stacks" only those which look like coordinates). This should reset the view. If you need to plan in multiple boxes, you can deselect 'Volume' or 'Stacks' to switch off either of the double boxes. It might also be possible that you are trying to plan a scan while seeing all the slices, meaning you are seeing a load of red lines through your scanbox. This can be swichted off by clicking on the blue diagonal box on the left side of the screen and selected the middle of the three view modes (one with a dotted diagonal line in the middle of the box). While we're at it, make sure you have enabled 'All midplanes'.

What do the different pause icons indicate?: In some protocols, there might be a green square box with a line in it. You do not want to use this pause so switch it to the yellow round one or the injection needle. In almost all cases you would want to use the yellow round icon. It results in a pause immediatly after the previous scan was completed. After you have pressed 'Proceed' shimming will start and another pause pops up which you will have to press to start the actual scan.

Entire (Middle/Right) Interface disappeared: If you are left with just the left side of the interface, it is most likely that you clicked on the orange button in the upperleft corner to switch to another view and then used this button again to try and get back. However, this deselected the current patient screen. You can reactivate this patient screen by clicking on the patient's number on the left side of the screen just above the "No sensor(s) detected or wrong network selected" text. If you want to switch screens again by pressing the orange button and immediatly want to reactivate the patient, use the orange button in the lower left corner instead.

Lower Screen Disappeared/Grey: There is a bug in the software that is probably caused by trying to double click on a sequence in the file browser window that causes a large part of the lower interface to disappear or become grey. Make sure you wait for the current scan to finish so you do not lose any of the current scan information. So far, I have not found any other solution then to completely reboot the MRI computer by holding the power on/off switch for several seconds and let it restart. The computer can be found under the right desk in the metal case.

The Selected Scan Contains More Than 4096 Images: This means there are too many images for this particular sequence to open it in this view. If you do want to see it, you have to switch to the alternative view by pressing the top left orange button and load it there.

Communication Problems

Orange Bell Light Blinking: If the orange bell is blinking this indicates that the alarm bell rang (most likely due to the participant pressing it...) and you have not yet responded by talking back. Either talk back to the patient using the intercom, or press the talk button and then disable the sound again, to get rid of this light.

Adjusting Volume: You can adjust the volume of your voice by turning the top right knob that shows a round icon with a straight vertical bar on the left. This is the same icon as the one above the 'talk' button. You can adjust the volume of your participant by turning the knob that shows the speaker, next to the previous knob.

Exporting Problems

No/Small Export Files: This is due to insufficient space on the disk you want to export to. Try to free up space by removing unnecessary files.

Database Export Tool

  • When exporting using the DataBase Image Export Tool a scan appear the moment the first dynamics have been reconstructed. If the export procedure is started before a sequence is finished it will export the data only partly without giving an error message.
  • If the target location does not have enough capacity when exporting using the DataBase Image Export Tool an export will start that is will only export part of the data without giving an error message. So alway check whether your files have the proper 'size'.

Stimulus Setup Problems

button on fORP receive device remains on: Press the buttons on the 'rechts' 'links' boxes and turn them around untill the right 'button-press protocol' is selected

Not all responses of the responsbuttons are coming through: Remove the powerchord of the response button receiver, this is the right chord in the back of the receiver. Wait a few seconds, put the chord back in, wait a few seconds, and try the response buttons again. Note that when removing and reinserting the powerchord, the settings remain the same and need not be changed. If this doesn't work, there is a chance that the button of the response box is broken and needs to be repaired. In this case you can use the reserve buttonbox lying in the storage room.

If the beamer is not projecting either screen of the stimulus computer (due to changes to the default stimulus computer screen settings): desktop --> right mouse click --> NVIDIA Control Panel --> set up multiple displays --> select 1. Get Force 9500 GT (2 of 2) --> 2. The same on both displays (Clone) --> 3. Samsung + ...--> apply --> save.