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'''Note: to make use of the procedure described below, you must use the text as provided below in your subject information and informed consent'''. These procedures are provided as a service to Spinoza users. You can use the procedures at Spinoza, but you may also chose to follow other procedures, as long as they are approved by a Dutch Medical Ethics Committee (METC).

Every now and then a researcher may notice an abnormality on an MRI scan of a healthy participant or patient. Rarely (in less than 5% of the cases) it concerns an abnormality that requires further action to be taken.  
Every now and then a researcher may notice an abnormality on a structural MRI scan of a - supposedly healthy - participant or of a patient. Rarely (in less than 5% of the cases) does it concern an abnormality that requires further action.

Action is only to be taken if the abnormality is treatable and if the abnormality has negative consequences for the health of the individual. The medical ethical committee of the AMC deems it inappropriate to inform a participant or patient of an untreatable abnormality, unless the individual presents with symptoms related to the abnormality.
To be clear, this only concerns abnormalities that may have consequences for a participant’s or patient’s health but that are treatable. The Medical Ethics Committee of the AMC does not deem it correct to burden a healthy participant with an untreatable incidental finding. It is another matter if it concerns a participant who does experience adverse effects (that can be traced back to the incidental finding), but these will generally not be healthy participants.

If you notice an abnormality on an MRI scan, but you are unsure whether it is a relevant finding or not, it is possible to request a radiologist of the AMC to examine your scans. Before contacting the radiology department, please consult your colleagues to make sure that you are looking at something serious, which may affect the participant’s health, and not an artefact or a white matter abnormality.
Always inspect your structural scan during the scanning session. If you notice a potential abnormality and wonder whether it is a relevant finding (i.e., something that may have consequences for a participant’s or patient’s health) you can apply for an assessment by a neuroradiologist from the AUMC radiology department. Please first consult the Spinoza Centre staff or colleagues from your research group. When in doubt, there is no doubt; send it in for review.

=Incidental Findings Form=
The AUMC radiology department will only accept dicom images that are sent from the scanner console for review.
Incidental findings need to be reported using incidental findings form. This form can be found in the 3T room on the red shelves or can be downloaded here ([[File:Request_incidental_findings.pdf]]).

Reporting an incidental finding goes according to the following procedure:
Reporting an incidental finding goes according to the following procedure:
* Fill in the incidental findings form ([[File:Request_incidental_findings.pdf]]). '''Note: you can omit the insurance number.'''
* If you encounter an abnormality during scanning and if time allows, run an additional structural scan:
* Send your structural scans in DICOM format to “AMC-classic”. On the 3T scanner you should provide a T1 and a Flair_Vista scan; on the 7T scanner you should provide a T1 scan and if possible a T2 scan. If it is not possible to provide a T2 scan, but it is possible to provide an EPI, please provide a single dynamic together with the T1 to “AMC-classic”.
** At the 3T, run a FLAIR.
* Request [mailto:[email protected] Paul Groot] on Z0-182 to change the name to:
** At the 7T, run a FLAIR.<br/>These protocols can be found in the exam card Hospital -> Standard -> Incidental finding at both scanners.
* Fill in this [[Media:Request_incidental_findings20190119.docx|incidental findings document]] ; if possible in Dutch, and send the Word file together with a screenshot of your finding to [mailto:[email protected] support ([email protected])].  
Name: 2000
* Send your structural scans to “AMC-classic” (via Administration -> 'Send to network'). Specifically you should transfer (if acquired):
Number: RESEARCH-2000
** a T1-weighted scan.
Acc#: Ayyyymmdd-hhmmss (so ‘year month day hour minute second’ of the moment of submission)
** a FLAIR. (if it is not possible to provide a FLAIR scan, but you do have EPI images, provide a single dynamic together with the T1).
** if you acquired a T2-weighted scan, you could also send this as an addition.
* Paul will send the images and information to impax, and will inform Tessa Oostendorp and the IT department about the incidental finding.
* The radiologist writes a report with the outcome of the examination.
* Send an email to [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] and [mailto:[email protected] Trijntje Sjoerdsma] to report your incidental finding.
* If necessary the researcher then notifies the general practitioner of the participant in case of a positive finding. Make sure to inform the GP you have an incidental finding that might warrant further investigation by a neurologist, you did not perform a comprehensive structural MRI investigation and you are not clinically trained to interpret the findings  (unless you are, of course...). Ask for an email to forward the radiological report.
* Bring the form to Tessa Oostendorp in C1-206, t. 63602.
* In some cases, the hospital requires the images on a physical disc (CD/DVD). These can be created by exporting the scans as (enhanced) DICOMs to a network location and then burning the (just the) file and folder using the declaration form PC next to the little kitchen. Copy the file and folder onto an empty disc and select the second burning option (and not the 'use as USB drive').
* Tessa will create a patient ID, process the request and send it to the IT department of the radiology department.
* The IT department will link the research number to the patient ID and transfer the images to a radiologist.
* The radiologist writes a report and sends an email to the responsible researcher with the outcome of the examination.
* The researcher then notifies the general practitioner of the participant about the outcome in case of a positive finding.

=Text for in the information leaflet=
=Text to include in the subject information leaflet=
''There is a (very small) chance that the MRI scan turns up an unusual finding in your brain. In the unlikely event that an unusual finding is substantial a radiologist will take a closer look and, if he feels it is warranted, will inform your GP. We need your consent prior to the scan and we will ask for the name and address of your GP. Should you decline, you will not be able to participate in the MRI research.''
Use this text for your projects. It has been drawn up in consultation with the Neuroradiology department and approved by the METC.  

=Text for informed consent=
''I hereby agree that in case of incidental finding my general practitioner may be notified.''
''Er is een kleine kans dat het onderzoek aanwijzingen oplevert dat u een hersenbeschadiging heeft. In dat geval sturen wij de MRI van uw hoofd door naar een radioloog die de vondst controleert. Als deze bevestigt dat het een bevinding betreft waarvoor medisch behandelen noodzakelijk wordt geacht, dan wordt deze informatie door de onderzoeker aan uw huisarts doorgegeven. In een enkel geval kan het voorkomen dat ook een bevinding wordt doorgegeven waar geen medisch behandelen noodzakelijk voor wordt geacht. Om deze reden hebben wij de naam en woonplaats van uw huisarts nodig. Mocht u niet akkoord zijn met deze procedure dan kunt u niet deelnemen aan het onderzoek. We willen u erop wijzen dat de scan assistent/ onderzoeker niet in staat is alle vormen van hersenbeschadiging te detecteren en dat het ook niet mogelijk is alle hersenbeschadigingen op de MRI scan die we van uw hoofd nemen te zien.''
''There is a small chance that the scan shows indications of some form of brain damage. Should the scan result warrant it, we shall forward the MRI scan of your head to a radiologist to check this finding. If the radiologist confirms a finding for which medical treatment is deemed necessary, this information will be passed on to your general practitioner by the researcher. To this end we require the contact information of your general practitioner. Should you not agree with the forwarding of this information to your general practitioner we regret that you cannot take part in the project. We therefore ask you to provide the name and city of residence of your general practitioner. Please note that the technician / researcher is unable to detect all forms of brain damage and that not every form of brain damage will show up on the MRI scan of your head.''
=Text for informed consent form=
''Ik geef toestemming om op de hoogte te worden gebracht van onverwachte bevindingen waarvoor medisch behandelen noodzakelijk wordt geacht.''
''I hereby agree that in case of an incidental finding that requires medical treatment I and my general practitioner may be notified.''

Latest revision as of 12:37, 5 March 2024

Note: to make use of the procedure described below, you must use the text as provided below in your subject information and informed consent. These procedures are provided as a service to Spinoza users. You can use the procedures at Spinoza, but you may also chose to follow other procedures, as long as they are approved by a Dutch Medical Ethics Committee (METC).


Every now and then a researcher may notice an abnormality on a structural MRI scan of a - supposedly healthy - participant or of a patient. Rarely (in less than 5% of the cases) does it concern an abnormality that requires further action.

To be clear, this only concerns abnormalities that may have consequences for a participant’s or patient’s health but that are treatable. The Medical Ethics Committee of the AMC does not deem it correct to burden a healthy participant with an untreatable incidental finding. It is another matter if it concerns a participant who does experience adverse effects (that can be traced back to the incidental finding), but these will generally not be healthy participants.

Always inspect your structural scan during the scanning session. If you notice a potential abnormality and wonder whether it is a relevant finding (i.e., something that may have consequences for a participant’s or patient’s health) you can apply for an assessment by a neuroradiologist from the AUMC radiology department. Please first consult the Spinoza Centre staff or colleagues from your research group. When in doubt, there is no doubt; send it in for review.

The AUMC radiology department will only accept dicom images that are sent from the scanner console for review.


Reporting an incidental finding goes according to the following procedure:

  • If you encounter an abnormality during scanning and if time allows, run an additional structural scan:
    • At the 3T, run a FLAIR.
    • At the 7T, run a FLAIR.
      These protocols can be found in the exam card Hospital -> Standard -> Incidental finding at both scanners.
  • Fill in this incidental findings document ; if possible in Dutch, and send the Word file together with a screenshot of your finding to support ([email protected]).
  • Send your structural scans to “AMC-classic” (via Administration -> 'Send to network'). Specifically you should transfer (if acquired):
    • a T1-weighted scan.
    • a FLAIR. (if it is not possible to provide a FLAIR scan, but you do have EPI images, provide a single dynamic together with the T1).
    • if you acquired a T2-weighted scan, you could also send this as an addition.
  • The radiologist writes a report with the outcome of the examination.
  • If necessary the researcher then notifies the general practitioner of the participant in case of a positive finding. Make sure to inform the GP you have an incidental finding that might warrant further investigation by a neurologist, you did not perform a comprehensive structural MRI investigation and you are not clinically trained to interpret the findings (unless you are, of course...). Ask for an email to forward the radiological report.
  • In some cases, the hospital requires the images on a physical disc (CD/DVD). These can be created by exporting the scans as (enhanced) DICOMs to a network location and then burning the (just the) file and folder using the declaration form PC next to the little kitchen. Copy the file and folder onto an empty disc and select the second burning option (and not the 'use as USB drive').

Text to include in the subject information leaflet

Use this text for your projects. It has been drawn up in consultation with the Neuroradiology department and approved by the METC.


Er is een kleine kans dat het onderzoek aanwijzingen oplevert dat u een hersenbeschadiging heeft. In dat geval sturen wij de MRI van uw hoofd door naar een radioloog die de vondst controleert. Als deze bevestigt dat het een bevinding betreft waarvoor medisch behandelen noodzakelijk wordt geacht, dan wordt deze informatie door de onderzoeker aan uw huisarts doorgegeven. In een enkel geval kan het voorkomen dat ook een bevinding wordt doorgegeven waar geen medisch behandelen noodzakelijk voor wordt geacht. Om deze reden hebben wij de naam en woonplaats van uw huisarts nodig. Mocht u niet akkoord zijn met deze procedure dan kunt u niet deelnemen aan het onderzoek. We willen u erop wijzen dat de scan assistent/ onderzoeker niet in staat is alle vormen van hersenbeschadiging te detecteren en dat het ook niet mogelijk is alle hersenbeschadigingen op de MRI scan die we van uw hoofd nemen te zien.


There is a small chance that the scan shows indications of some form of brain damage. Should the scan result warrant it, we shall forward the MRI scan of your head to a radiologist to check this finding. If the radiologist confirms a finding for which medical treatment is deemed necessary, this information will be passed on to your general practitioner by the researcher. To this end we require the contact information of your general practitioner. Should you not agree with the forwarding of this information to your general practitioner we regret that you cannot take part in the project. We therefore ask you to provide the name and city of residence of your general practitioner. Please note that the technician / researcher is unable to detect all forms of brain damage and that not every form of brain damage will show up on the MRI scan of your head.

Text for informed consent form


Ik geef toestemming om op de hoogte te worden gebracht van onverwachte bevindingen waarvoor medisch behandelen noodzakelijk wordt geacht.


I hereby agree that in case of an incidental finding that requires medical treatment I and my general practitioner may be notified.