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== Information for subjects ==

Dutch version 1.4:
English version 1.4:
== Screening of subjects ==
Subjects need to be screened before cooperating in functional MRI (fMRI) experiments. fMRI is a perfectly harmless method for examining brain activity, but the magnetic field attracts metal objects. Therefore, we need to preclude the possibility that subjects do have any metal objects inside their bodies. To preclude all possible risks, subjects have to fill in this document.
Dutch version 1.1:
English version 1.1:
Subjects also need to provide informed consent for each experiment. A general informed consent document is provided below. Notice that it necessary to provide subjects with a written version of the specific experimental information as well.
All first-year psychology students of the University of Amsterdam are obliged to participate in a variety of tests during the "testweek" (measuring personality, intelligence etc.). It is possible to couple neuroimaging data to the data acquired in the "testweek". Subjects need to sign the following form to allow for the coupling of "testweek" data with fMRI data.
== Subject registration ==
== Subject placement ==
Subjects are placed supine in the scanner. Take paper en fold it two times. Place this paper on the pillow (and sides) of the scanner. This eases any uneven points in the pillow and decreases the chance of discomfort in the subjects. Place pillows under the back of the head of the subject. This increases subject comfort and decreases subject movement.
== Handling of subjects in the scanner ==
== Subject payment (Only relevant for UvA Psychology) ==
For more than 22.50 euro. This can only be done via the bank. A copy of the identification of the subject needs to be included when the form is delivered to the AC (administrative center) or secretariaat were you work for.
You also need to enter a WBS number were the money needs to be payed from.
For cash payments of 22.50 euro or less.

Latest revision as of 12:45, 11 March 2020