Decade of discovery: Celebrating 10 years of 7-Tesla MRI at Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging

17 June 2024

At the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging advanced technology collides with innovative neuro- and clinical sciences.

The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging is a core research facility and knowledge hub of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University Medical Center – locations AMC and VUmc.

To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Spinoza Centre, world-leading experts will discuss innovations in 7 Tesla MRI technology, cognitive neuroscience and clinical sciences.

We are delighted to invite you to celebrate our 10th anniversary with us. Please register for the symposium using the link below. If you have already registered via the Philips 7T user meeting, you don’t have to register again.

Please register before August 19th.

Register for symposium

Date:     August 28
Venue:  Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam, the Netherlands



09:00 – Coffee
09:45 – Welcome

10:00 – A multilayered view on BOLD
              dr. Natalia Petridou
              University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
10:25 – High field MRI of the spinal cord
              prof. dr. John Gore
              Vanderbilt University, USA
10:50 – Exploring the limits of k-space for non-BOLD fMRI
              prof. dr. Ben Poser
              Maastricht University, the Netherlands

11:15 – Coffee break

11:45 – Responses to working memory load in human visual and cognitive
              dr. Ben Harvey
              Utrecht University, the Netherlands
12:10 – Cortical microstructure in health and disease
             prof. dr. Esther Kuehn
             Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany
12:35 – Mapping motor and visual space in human cortex and midbrain at
              dr. Alessio Fracasso
              Glasgow University, UK

13:00 – Lunch break

14:00 – Cortical myelination and brain function
              prof. dr. Robert Turner
              Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany

14:45 – Coffee break

15:15 – 7T MRI: from clinical research to applications
             dr. Karin Markenroth Bloch
             Lund University, Sweden
15:40 – Neural imaging of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders at high 
              field strength offers a novel insight into pathophysiology
              prof. dr. Ysbrand van der Werf
              Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands
16:05 – Improving deep brain stimulation by using 7Tesla MRI brain network
              Dr. Maarten Bot
              Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands

16:30 – Drinks




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